Team up, speak out, change the world. Seriously!

Meet Toto: Your secret weapon for community change—no petitions, just superhero-level community impact.

Toto dog with discussions and focuses
Letter tracker collage

Feeling unheard? You're not alone!

Toto turns up the volume on your community's voice to protect what truly matters.

Toto is for people like you who care (sometimes a bit too much).

From the grassiest grassroots on up, Toto is your new digital soapbox. It's pure community impact, but like, turbocharged.

Add your voice to your community collage

Unleash your community!

Toto enables community-driven action through transparent, direct and easy access to representatives.

Targeted Letter Writer 

(At Lightning Speed)

Forget form letters and mass emails. Toto is your loyal companion who helps you craft your message to hit hard, turning your keyboard into a precision-guided impact tool in a matter of seconds. Get ‘em, Toto!

Your letter collage

Leave Your Mark

Every action you and your community take stamps a permanent mark in the publicly verifiable record, making your civic voice undeniable and historical. They can run but they can’t hide.

mobile mock up of Toto

Mission Possible 

(Starring You!)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be filled with praise, acknowledgements—and if you're lucky—a few well earned pats on the head—for your personal and community achievements. Watch that power grow!

First letter collage

The 3.5% Rule: you're closer to change than you think.

Small numbers, massive impact! Just 3.5% participation can drive real, lasting social and political transformation.

Laptop screen showing TedTalk

How Toto works:

Step 1

Pin emoji

Focus on What (and Who) Matters

Toto helps you create your message and get it into the right hands.

Step 2

Books Emoji

Write and Edit

Provide details, Toto drafts your letter, you fine-tune before sending.

Step 3

Letter emoji

Send and Document

Toto mails your physical letter and records it on the blockchain.

Step 4

Community emoji

Build Community

Toto connects you to supporters who strengthen your impact.

Toto puts real power behind your impact

Toto supercharges your efforts to make a difference in your community, transforming your passions and interests into impactful actions with precision and connectivity, in just a few minutes.

Mobile mock up of app

Join for the impact.
Stay for the vibes.

microphone icon

Feel Heard

Don't just shout into the void—grab the mic and command the stage. Toto makes sure your voice echoes.

Heart emoji

Feel Empowered

Step into your role as the community hero, caped or not. Every click clicked, every letter sent and every voice added bringing you closer to legendary status.

community emojis

Feel Safe

Don’t let the fear of being targeted stop you anymore. You are joining a pack of like minded people who got your back by the numbers. Never howl at the moon alone ever again!

Perks for your pack:

Mail emoji


Compel your representatives to tune in—make your community's voice too loud to be overlooked.

pin icon

Time Savings

Toto's your partner in efficiency, zipping through the civic grind so you can save the world before dinner. That's fast.

message bubble icon

Gamified Community Action

Gather your squad and focus on what truly matters with real urgency and purpose.

Collage of people changing the world

No leash attached: Toto is free to join

Toto’s giving you the VIP pass to change the world—no charge (feel free to donate though). Who loves free stuff? You do.

Real stories from the Toto community

I have been using Toto for over a year now and I love it! I can't imagine life without it. It's so easy to use, and the customer service is great.

Ithandi Morritz

Ithandi Morritz

I love Toto! This is an amazing service and it has saved me and my small business so much time. I plan to use it for a long time to come.

Mina Layton avatar

Mina Layton

I would recommend Toto for anyone trying to get the word out about their business. It has saved me so much time!

Jacob J. Avatar

Jacob J.

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Toto Leaping

Throw us a bone: Donate to Toto.

Toto is free—no tricks, no traps! But if you're feeling extra generous, why not toss a couple of bones our way? Your donations keep our tails wagging and our mission moving. Help us lead the pack in community change!

Hear from our founder.

Jonathan Baha'i found of Toto

Hi there! I’m Jonathan, founder of Toto. Toto isn't just another petition platform—in fact, we don't do petitions at all.

Read More

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Nothing against petitions! If that's your thing, by all means sign the next one that comes along and send it off into the void. Just don't hold your breath waiting for that change you were hoping for.

Toto is different. Toto is your new secret weapon for uniting your community and harnessing the power of those who care deeply about the same issues you care about. When we team up we create actual impact where and when it truly matters. You know, superhero stuff. Sounds pretty good, right?

So, what’s the game plan? Simple: with your help, we’re cranking up accountability. How? By sharpening communication, crystal-clear transparency, and most importantly, rallying a powerhouse of active participants. Together, we make your voice thunderous, undeniable, and permanent—thanks to a little blockchain magic.

So, what do you say? Ready to join forces and focus on what truly matters for your community? When we team up, there’s nothing we can’t tackle. Let’s make some noise they can’t ignore!

Frequently asked questions

How does Toto differ from other civic engagement platforms?

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Oh, let us count the ways! While most platforms are like your typical base model minivan, Toto's more like a superhero’s ride—outfitted with custom trim and advanced tools and automations designed for impact. We ditch the usual petition parade for direct, impactful action that's built for transparency and accountability. Plus, our user verification isn't just a handshake (pause for effect), it's a secret Web3 handshake. No trolls. No bad-faith actors. We’re built on the blockchain, so every action you take is as permanent as that memory of the time you called your teacher 'mom' in grade 4. Yeah, that’s going to last forever. In short, Toto doesn’t just host the party; it makes sure everyone knows you're there and what you're all about.

What’s with the name, “Toto”?

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Toto—the Latin root for “all together”. Toto is also the lovable and heroic dog from L. Frank Baum’s classic Oz children’s book series. Toto first appeared in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900). But what does Toto have in common with a community-driven civil impact platform? Awareness. In the story, Toto brought awareness to his companions and revealed the truth about the seemingly all-powerful wizard. (Spoiler alert) Once the truth was revealed about the wizard, he no longer had any power and there was nothing to fear.

And so, like Toto, we’re bringing awareness to you. All together we can team up, reveal the truth, and focus on what really matters.

What information do I need to provide to create an account on Toto?

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Ready to dive into the world of community-powered change? Awesome, we're thrilled to have you! To get you set up, we'll need just a few basics: your name (so we know what to call you), an email address (where we can send all the important mission updates), and your address (so we can find your reps).

Does Toto operate in the US?

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Yep! Currently, Toto isn’t exclusive to your Canadian-flavoured neighbours to the north (you can tell by the spelling). We Canadians are the sharing sort and we’ve expanded the fruits of our labour to our colourful neighbours in the US. You are all at the centre of our plans. It’s all we think aboot.

What types of actions or activities can I participate in through the platform?

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On Toto, you're not just watching the world change—you're driving it. Behold the power you will wield: pinpoint the elected officials you should be contacting, let Toto craft and dispatch your advocacy letters for you, rally your friends to your cause, and explore a wealth of other causes, communities, and issues that are ripe for your support. Whether you're initiating change or teaming up with others, Toto has the tools to amplify your impact.

Is Toto free to use? Are there hidden fees or charges?

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Absolutely! Toto's core features are free to everyone, but that doesn't mean you can't donate to the cause! Down the road, we're planning to roll out some fancy new community-building tools, and those will come with a small monthly subscription fee. But for now, jump in without worrying about your wallet!

Can I withdraw from Toto if I change my mind? What is the process for deactivating or deleting my account?

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Absolutely, stepping back is as easy as stepping in. If you decide Toto isn’t your jam anymore, you can deactivate your account with just a few clicks, and all your personal info will be wiped clean. However, remember that any actions you’ve taken on the blockchain are part of the public record and will remain there—that's kinda the whole point. But don't worry, this only includes your public actions, not your personal details.

Toto also offers the option to create private issues that aren't made public (except the letters recorded on the blockchain), giving you flexibility in how you engage with the platform.

How do you ensure my privacy? Do you sell my data?

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Sell your data? How dare you! Not nobody, not nohow! Absolutely not. At Toto, the idea of selling your personal information is as absurd as dogs playing poker. Your privacy is our top priority. We're here to build trust, not break it. Your data stays yours, always.

Can I pet that dog?
You sure can. Reach out here.

Toto hand writing icon

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Toto Dog howling

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