Join Toto and Take Action Today!

When just 3.5% of us rally behind a cause, we can pretty much move mountains. Whether you’re fired up about something or just tired of waiting for someone else to fix it—You’ve got the power, and we’ve got the letters!

Toto's mission is to help you unleash your community and drive real change. We are just in the building phase so register now for early access to our platform!

A cute blue dog dress in a cape with it's tongue out.
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Unleash your community!

Toto enables community-driven action through transparent, direct and easy access to representatives.

Targeted Letter Writing (At Lightning Speed)

Forget form letters and mass emails. Toto is your loyal companion who helps  craft your message to hit hard, turning your keyboard into a precision-guided impact tool in a matter of seconds. Get ‘em, Toto!

Your letter collage

Leave Your Mark

Every action you and your community take stamps a permanent mark in the publicly verifiable record, making your civic voice undeniable and historical. They can run but they can’t hide.

mobile mock up of Toto

Mission Possible 

(Starring You!)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be filled with praise, acknowledgements—and if you're lucky—a few well earned pats on the head—for your personal and community achievements. Watch that power grow!

First letter collage
Success Toto in Cape

Enter the Champions of Change contest!

 5 Champion ideas will receive 50 free letters from Toto mailed directly to their government reps.

That’s 50 ways to say, “we can't be ignored.”

Enter Now